Spring Art Exhibits at the Libey Gallery
The Libey Gallery invites the community during the month of April to visit two new exhibits by Colfax artist Lynnea Vantrease and Kennewick photographer Nancy Richter.
Lynnea Vantrease, a self-taught painter enjoys painting the outdoors from florals to landscapes using mainly oils and acrylics. She hopes that through her work one feels inspired to slow down and enjoy simple beauty. The inspiration and theme for her current exhibit, “Walk with Me” is the chance for her to share how she sees the world.
“Perfectly Palouse” photography exhibit by Nancy Ritcher was inspired by the beauty of the Palouse. Since Nancy was 12 years old, she always had a camera to record people and places, flowers and weathered paint, animals and events. It is her love of clouds that inspired her to start wandering the back roads of the Northwest looking for land to match the clouds.
The Libey Gallery is located in The Bettie Steiger Center adjacent to Colfax Library. The gallery open hours are Monday-Friday 10:00 am to 6 pm and Saturday 1:00-5:00 pm.